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Left Coast Birder

Icicle Ridge, Leavenworth, WA
May 2014

In my continuing quest for Washington hikes that combines both a scenery with a good variety of birds, I tried the Icicle Ridge Trail near Leavenworth. The trail climbs a series of switchbacks through small stands of open pine and Ponderosa pine interspersed with meadows of lupine, vetch, and paintbrush. In mid-May the wildflowers were blooming all the way up to the saddle of the ridge. At the saddle of the trip, there is a view of the surrounding mountains, Leavenworth, the Wenatchee River and a few waterfalls.

Along the trail, Nashville Warblers were singing constantly from the chokecherries and thimbleberries. Western Tanagers and Black-headed Grosbeaks sang in tandem for great comparisons. Townsend’s Solitaires, Lazuli Buntings, and Dusky Flycatchers also added to the forest choir. Near the ridge, a female White-headed Woodpecker drilled into wells on the trunk of a ponderosa and a male was seemingly interested in a nest hole in a snag.

The trail had a good variety of birds, wildflowers, and views. Plus it is also very close to the Leavenworth Hatchery, another great place to walk around after climbing up the ridge. I also checked out the Icicle Gorge loop trail which was farther up Icicle Creek Road. Although I’m sure the birding was very similar to the ridge trail, it was very difficult to hear anything over the roar of the creek.


Pictures (click on the pictures to enlarge)

Bird List
Canada Goose IR
Common Merganser IC
California Quail IR
Turkey Vulture IR (2), H (2)
Red-tailed Hawk IR, H
Spotted Sandpiper H
Mourning Dove IR
Vaux's Swift IR
Rufous Hummingbird H
Hairy Woodpecker IR
White-headed Woodpecker IR
Northern Flicker IR
Olive-sided Flycatcher IC
Western Wood-Pewee IR
Dusky Flycatcher IR, IC
Pacific-slope Flycatcher IR
Warbling Vireo IR (1), H (1) heard only
Steller's Jay IR
American Crow IR
Common Raven IR, H
Northern Rough-winged Swallow H
Tree Swallow H
Violet-green Swallow IR
Black-capped Chickadee H
Mountain Chickadee IR
Golden-crowned Kinglet IC, heard only
Red-breasted Nuthatch IR, H, IC
White-breasted Nuthatch IR
Brown Creeper IR
House Wren IR
American Dipper IC
Townsend's Solitaire IR
Hermit Thrush IC, heard only
American Robin IR, H
European Starling IR, H
Cedar Waxwing H
Yellow Warbler H, IC
Nashville Warbler IR
Yellow-rumped Warbler IR, IC
Townsend's Warbler IR, IC
Wilson's Warbler IR
Spotted Towhee IR
Song Sparrow H
Chipping Sparrow IR
White-crowned Sparrow IR
Dark-eyed Junco IR
Western Tanager IR, IC
Black-headed Grosbeak IR
Lazuli Bunting IR
Brewer's Blackbird IR
Brown-headed Cowbird IR
House Finch H
Purple Finch IR
Red Crossbill IR
Evening Grosbeak H

Yellow-Pine Chipmunk
Douglas Squirrel
Golden-mantled Squirrel
Western Fence Lizard
Blooming Flowers
Lupine IR, IC
Harsh Paintbrush IR, IC
Thimbleberry IR
Spreading dogbane IR
Chokecherry IR
Shrubby penstemon IR
Vetch IR
False Sunflower IR
Parsley desert buckwheat IR
Barestem desert parsley IR
Chickweed IR
Elegant cats ear IR
Cutleaf lunia IR
Small-flowered penstemon IR
Orage honeysuckle IR
Arrowleaf balsamroot IR
Catchfly IR
Antelope-bush IR, H
Alumroot IR
Arnica IR
Hookers fairybell IR
Spotted coralroot IR
Notka rose IR
Pacific starflower IR
Yarrow IR
Larkspur H
Bitterroot H
Calypso orchid IC
Stream violet IC
Merten's saxifrage IC
Rosa twisted stalk IC
Trillium IC


National Forest info
Washington Trail Association description


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page updated: 6/5/14