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Ingalls Creek, Alpine Lake Wilderness, WA September 2006 Synopsis We spent 2 nights at Ingalls Creek camping about 2.5 miles from the trailhead. One day we took a day hike up Cascade Creek Trail to County Line Trail and back down Falls Creek Trail. The total loop hike was roughly 15 miles with a total elevation gain and decent of approximately 3,000 ft in 2 miles each way that’s steep! Cascade Creek Trail was hard to follow at some points and we ended up straying away from the trail and had to scramble up a steep rocky side. Another couple we met on the trail did the same thing there was a bit of rejoicing when we all made it to the top of the ridge. Top
Bird List Osprey -1 Red-tailed Hawk Sooty Grouse -1 (I wasn’t sure on the id, since it was badly lit and high above us on a open rocky slope, hidden by some alpine trees, but it seems to be habitat for Sooty Grouse, perhaps a little too open for Spruce) Belted Kingfisher -1 Northern Flicker Hairy Woodpecker Empidonax sp. - 1 Warbling Vireo - 1 Clark’s Nutcracker Steller's Jay Common Raven American Robin American Dipper Townsend’s Solitaire -1 Chestnut-backed Chickadee Mountain Chickadee Golden-crowned Kinglet Red-breasted Nuthatch Winter Wren American Dipper - 3 immature Cedar Waxwing Townsend’s Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Fox Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Spotted Towhee Dark-eyed Junco Other Critter List Douglas Squirrel Yellow-pine Chipmunk Gopher Snake (?) it was roughly 4 inches long with the body patterning of a gopher snake, but it had a black head. We didn’t get a good picture of it before it slithered away. Western Fence Lizard Cascade Frog & tadpoles Bat sp. Fish sp. Notable Flowers/Plants Alpine Aster Indian Paintbrush Harebell Mountain Bog Gentian Cotton-grass Stonecrop Pinedrop Top Information Located: Alpine Lake Wilderness, managed by the Directions: North of I-90, North of Blewett Pass (Hwy-97), turn west onto Required permits: Information on the trail and surrounding/joint trails Top